In recent years the obligation to reduce or even replace the use of solvents has strongly influenced the composition of paints & lacquers. More and more paints and lacquers are being produced on a waterbase. This of course also influences the packaging. The conventional tin packaging are not sufficient anymore and thus we have an ever-increasing offer of inner-coated tin packaging and synthetic packaging in our assortment.
Our inner coatings are of such an exellent quality that more and more customers choose coated tin packaging instead of plastic packaging. Cylindrical tins used for paintproducts as well as rectangular tins used for liquids are available with an inner coating. Of course also the conical pails and tins are available with a coating. These inner coatings are available in several compositions, because not every type of coating is suitable for every filling product. The most used coating is the C9/C54, which can be used for purely waterbased lacquers. For waterbased products in which solvents are used we in general advise the C222/C221 caoting. This coating, however, is not always suitable for purely waterbased products such as for example wallpaints.
And of course new types of coating are being developed. The closures and finishes of the tin packaging are also being adapted to the packaging demands that are the result of changing formulas. Amongst others you can view the heading news on this site to see some examples.
When you want to have a product of which you are not sure whether to use a coated tin or which coating would be suitable, please contact us for advice. It is advisable to test the resistance of your product in respect of the packaging before you put it on the market.